About me

My name is Katherine, but you can call me Kat. I’m a 28-year-old Long Island, New York native who decided to use COVID-19 to take on new endeavors in a smaller market. After making the impulse decision to shift my life to Miami for the past two years, I’m happy to say I have returned home (this time with an engagement ring, lots of memories, more wisdom and insight).

Writing has always been my assumed career trajectory by everyone around me. (Want proof, here’s my resume.) I mean, I was even on the elementary newspaper club. Finding my niche took a while though.

One could say my writing career officially started in the 2nd grade when a poem about my cat, Rocky, won a competition to get published in Newsday or when I won another competition in the 5th grade to go to Manhattan and interview Olympians, including Caitlyn Jenner.

From interviewing teachers about their favorite colors to stuffing love poems in boys-who-didn’t-deserve-them’s lockers, to blogging about concerts and campus life for an underground college e-mag (that has since been removed from the internet)… my writing truly evolved while finishing my degree at Stony Brook University.

The School of Journalism, staff, and my colleagues truly shaped me and my writing skills. It was there that I created some incredible work with some incredible people that went on to win several awards.

While freelancing with Greater Long Island, I was privileged enough to win another award.

Keep up with my journey by following me on LinkedIn. Shout out to my chiweenie, Diddalee, and puggle, Luigi. Oh, and my fiancé Matthew.


Kat “Soon to be Whelan” Hoey